i'm leah perry. i am the closing manager of halcyon. thank you for the opportunity to come and be heard today. i read all thousand pages of the request for documents. i read every single page and it was a nightmare. i think that the reason we're here today is mostly because of kelly's complaints and the way that she feels about 11th street in general. i worked right next door at audio which is where i first came in contact with her. she complained there as well. in my personal experience with her, if you'll listen to her, she will continue and go forward with complaining more and more and trying to get that attention from you. i managed -- the manager of audio passed her off to me because he couldn't take it anymore. there were a few passages between max and kelly where he basically put his foot down, like i won't deal with you anymore. so i started to try and work with her where she was making complaints on nights we weren't open. just kind of rolling the dice. i'm hearing a bunch of noise. i'm going to say it's you. well, it could be