leah wright is a professor.come back. -- >> always good to be here. >> why do you think this is a lesson that is never learned? >> so blackface is this long, long complicated racist history and it emerges as a way to dehumanize african-americans, it can be used more other racial minorities as well. we see it pop up there. it infused this idea of spectacle and ridicule around the idea of blackness. these are highly sexualized people and they deserve to be mocked and they don't deserve respect. we've seen this evolve over generations whereby blackface becomes something that, you know, one section of the population understands is bad, is racist, is hurtful, is dehumanizing and the other part of the population says, it just doesn't matter and they don't care and they think they can do this form of ridicule without being caught. >> many of whom if they don't even dress up, they don't fully understand or many of them claim that it's ignorant as their excuse, but is it given our nation's history? >> i mean, a lot of pe