. -- those tenants leasine to individual people we have heard from tonight.those people sell these individual rooms by the month currently. david is not doing so. he wants to do so with your permission. he will get rid of those leases, and he will have a direct relationship with people policing. a lot of terrible things have been said about david, and you have to wonder why. i think i will make it clear when i read an e-mail from a neighbor. this is one you have in front of you. it is from one of the former tenants whose vote tonight. it is not politically correct to oppose group housing. we have been advised we should not object to the zoning that allows one to operate through housing but rather the operator is self. do not hate the game, but hates the players. i know she never said such a thing. each is unfair to her, and it underlies what it is about tonight. you have heard from a tenant who is behind in his rent and my client has not forced him to pay. we have something -- >> thank you. public hearing is closed. comissioner antonini: thank you. this is a