we know that at least nine u.s. attorneys were fired because they did not pursue investigation on democrats. again, must we present super extraordinary circumstances or evidence to the department of justice to start these investigations immediately? well, today we have decided to take the show on the road and to rally the troops. those of you all who are members of the media, please recognize that one of the things that we found in the shields report was that most of these investigations occurred up under the national radar. in cities where there were perhaps only one beat reporter. so therefore, many people in the nation never heard of what happened. and certainly they can not make the national connection. but as you know, i ran for congress in 2002 and i found that quickly that all politics is local. when i ran for office, bush, cheney, dennis hastert, rumsfeld, all came to my state to fight. all politics is local. the gentleman who beat me in the democratic district became president of the freshman class. there's