if you think back to those leavittown houses and many of the suburbs you grew up in, people have littleieces of rectangular grass. right if what's up with that? and that's not, they water it. in the summer. they fertilize it with chemicals. they mow it all the time what would the grass look like if it was just kept more natural? and of course the kinds of grass that are growing are not even native to the area. so it's kind of strange. and people are pruning their trees, and you know, hedging their lawns to make these perfectly rectangular angles. people have bushes, just today on my way to campus, i walked by a house i never noticed it before. but it had a bush in the shape of a dog. a little dog. like woof woof. that's a bush. i was about to take a picture and include it, but people saw me standing in front of their house, and i didn't want to be creepy. it's weird. everybody pruning their trees. this time of the year, everyone is raking their leaves, putting them in plastic bags and putting them on a truck. is that natural? or the guys outside our building here with their machines you