lect berg and trasvina. i asked the same. since our moting on december 6, were there new plans provided or were the same as previous? the last was december 7th the last set of plans were submitted to the department was december the fifth. >> nothing new which was the director request from the body was to revise the plans and have a discussion with you to revise them to bring them in within your purview behalf is code, et cetera, correct. nothing has been done. >> the latest comments we provided to him were based upon the plans submitted december the fifth and those are in the brief. >> since this time and since your comment, nothing has been revised on his plans. >> maintained that your position which is the this development does in the fit in the context of the surrounding neighborhood. aside from a few more details the big over arching umbrella is these plans don't fit. they have not been change since we gave the ask and gave them one chance. is that the bottom line. >> correct. >> thanks. >> commissioner? >> thank you. >>