she was a leda scholar four years ago, then went on to georgetown university. she's now a senior, and has been mentoring other students from her hometown of detroit. >> there's actually two people from my high school that went through leda and who are currently now at georgetown. so i feel specifically connected to them, coming from the same school and same city. >> brown: is this now a sort of tradition at your high school? >> yeah. we try to start this pipeline of scholars to roll through leda and come to georgetown and other schools. so hopefully it will keep going. >> brown: now in its 11th year, leda says that some 75% of its scholars have enrolled in the nation's most competitive colleges, including 60 who've attended princeton. a success story, then, but on a very limited scale. and shirley tilghman says far more financial and other support will be needed to address the larger program. the stakes, she thinks, couldn't be higher. >> when the ability to have movement across social class becomes virtually impossible, i think it is the beginning of the end o