he creates it for the movie "leddy linton," this dress.ff fu taffeta on the shoulders and what it does is it creates this illusion that joan has tiny little waist and tiny little hips. this glamorous impression of joan crawford, it goes on to become the first hollywood design that is copied and mass produced and sold in department stores all across the country. >> and so they would have it in the window with a picture of joan crawford, which sold many, many tens of thousands of copies. >> hollywood has had as effect on the public, wanting to live that lifestyle or wanting to emulate the stars. >> you say it's the same as joan crawford wears in a new picture? >> it's styled the same and it definitely reflects the hollywood influence. >> dad, may i have it? >> it's yours. >> i thought the '40s were a gorgeous period of time to watch. then they all talked very fast and they had that voice. i didn't know what it was, but i liked it. >> have you ever broken any rules, salena? >> gosh, you're right. shall we make an exception in her case? >> why