lee e ans to prepareple for high altitudes high aeing athigh aeing sea level. sea level. vel.veve o you want to preparentent font ltitude if you ltitud bron jamesamplames, they they they the train the tre.n the n the training at high and then you a and th at sea el, your body is t, your bod much more ef mut at using oxygen.en.en. you playpl pl pl plpl you like ying sports.ngs. isconnected with runneecte who are whinners? whinne whinne whinne wh wh th lly tr d at lly lly hiitudes kind othat o ple extraple extraple traple trapl >> exactapl >> exa >> exa exa anor a anity thor aor a involves sumption of ox su ca anced thro anced throthro of equi of equi o o >> what is the basis ot the o ss ss h cost of that. >> equipme >>ywhereme >>ywhereme >> from small low oxygen compreow oxy systems that can bstused at homepers even laven la n la ron lain w ron la ron la put ron la en air.n laenn laen laen . la you very much, myohh, ato of ox this akin thisk" o akin bloomberg. ♪ this is "takg this is "takg thg th mbg th mb i't' mmmb i't' i't're goingt' to su keenano su nanfor thsuhe nanfo >> general motors just reportedd fourth rofit thatt th t thssed a t thstim