. >> reporter: wall street investor lee cooperman is a self-made billionaire who plans on giving his away. >> you can give it to your children. you can give it to uncle sam. or you can give it to people in need. >> reporter: cooper man and his wife of 46 years, toby, are among 58 of america's wealthiest families who have pledged to donate at least half of their worth to charity. >> there are more worthwhile organizations in meade of 99 than there is money so you have to try to find who you want to support and when you want to support them and in what amount. >> reporter: it's called the giving pledge and billionaires from mike bloomberg to facebook founder mark zucker berg have signed up, all at the beheaviest of warren buffet. >> i said to warren over dinner, "i think if you're really dealing with people of high wealth, asking for half, you're not asking for enough. >> reporter: cooperman came from modest beginnings in the south bronx, the son of a polish immigrant plumber who worked six days a week. he went to public school and college and put himself through column cra university