lee edward ssephens thh death penalty. the inmate killed a ccrrectional officer david mcquinn in 2006. as crime and justice reporttr joy lepola correcttons.ns. ((pkg)) a trail of blood. lee edward stephensf murder (prosecutor) 12:05:300the k facts and circumstances of this case did support our request for a deathhsentence. aarequest jurors ruled againss following a week's orth f deliberaaions. stand up 13:16:04 (joyy 12:38:11 the failure of doc and the department of juvenile serviccs that was on them. jurors wrote that ""he state'' programs failed to reeorr mr. ptephens and in fact exacerbated his ppoblems." they then went on to say.. the maryland house of corrections failed tt rovide a secure and safe prison. his pailure contriiuted to mcgginn's death correctional officer daviddmcguinnns family members say they respect the jury's reasoning in sparing stephens life.12:07:17 aad my bbother was ery kind gentlee pould o i think he wwuld haae respected their decision as well. but that doesn't erase the sorrow they feel each iie they think of the loved one they lost. 12:11:22 the nly shayna mcguinn lost her fatherr inside the maryland houseeof corrections. (nat sound of cryyng if it fits) a