first we want to thank supervisor passkin and lee heppner for their sponsorship of the legislation and their work on the legislation. so currently as lee has mentioned, chapter 23 of the administrative code requires a appraisals to be updated within nine months of seeking board of approval for purchase. the city has followed chapter 3, 23 requirement force the real estate but we are requesting this waiver of this requirement for inter departmental or jurisdictional transfers between departments for two reasons and first, our office acquires sites at no cost and when these are transfers from nine enterprise departments like d. d.w. for example, doing anna praiseal for the site's value would not really add value to the process and then second, they have to acquire sites at cost when the transfers are from an enterprise agency and like m.t.a. for example and we will get anna praiseal to value the site and in our experience, the appraisal is typically taking the process to get the approval to the board of supervisors is typically longer than nine months because of a result of having to go