supervisors, i am lee radnor. a resident of the golden gate way, apartments for the last 17 years. we have heard some very compelling and accurate testimony, and i would like to add a little bit of flesh to this. i presented to the supervisors almost 2000 and written petition signatures and 1000 on-line petition signatures, which are growing at 100 per day. these people, these thousands of people support the position against this project, as do many of our allied community groups. these people who signed this represents the vast majority of middle-class families. youth and seniors, retired, and on fixed incomes like yours truly. many of your neighbors and friends, are listed in there. you can see visit codes covering almost every block in the city. to deny these middle-class citizens, the recreational needs in exchange for 134 high-price condos in a gated community. this is certainly not an honest tradeoff. it really becomes a travesty. thank you very much. >> the next speaker. if >> could afternoon, supervisors. i live in north beach, with three concerns. i have spent the last 15