lee sang—yong is its editor in chief. i'm sorry we're a bit late.t happens to our questions now? well, we will wait as long as it takes. at every step of this process, i sought advice from my most for months, we exchanged hundreds of messages with the sources in north korea, each containing just snippets of information to protect people's identity and keep them safe until, finally, we had enough to put together. when we got our interviews back, we were completely blown away. they were so much more detailed than we had ever imagined. i wake up at 5am and make breakfast for my family. then, i go and prepare my business at the market, where i sell medicine. one of the people we've been communicating with is a market trader who lives up near the border with china, and she makes her living by smuggling medicine over the borderfrom china. her earnings support her family, so her husband and her two children. before covid, life was stable. i didn't smuggle every day but my business made quite a profit. but since covid, my earnings have halved. it's become m