. >> joining me tonight, lee saunders, president of ask me. mr.nders, good to have you with us tonight. you have been on record saying that you think governor walker is public enemy number one. i believe you have characterized this election as a get back for the middle class. is this what you really think? or is this an effort to motivate people to realize what's at stake in this election or both? >> it really is both. i'm glad to be on your show. we have got to motivate and educate and mobilize, organize our base like never before. not only within afscme but our communities. we've got to paint the picture of the differences between these two candidates. on one hand you've got governor walker who took collective bargaining away from public service workers who doesn't believe in the increasing the minimum wage. who claim that he would create 250,000 jobs in the state of wisconsin. wisconsin ranks almost dead last in the midwest as far as creation of jobs. a terrible economy continues in that state for working families. he ignored the medicaid expan