usually have a book going in washington and one in maine and the one most recently finished is lee scott brown nemours who is my colleague who is a senator from massachusetts. this truly is extraordinary and is very well written and its gets me a lot of insights about scott brown and his very difficult childhood. it is absolutely amazing he has accomplished as much as he had considering the impoverished and difficult childhood that he had. anyone who loves force will love the book because in some ways it was coaches and basketballs that saved scott brown. of books that i am reading right now is the fifth witness. this is a series of books that one lawyer who largely practices at of the back of his car son known as the lincoln lawyer series it is great fun moving right along and is end nice break to read this before i go to bed. this summer, i will read my first e-book realize people have been doing it for years. but this is my first one. it is supposed to be a terrific book and i am looking forward to reading that. also the advantage that it can travel with me very easily. also i look forward to readi