. >> lee shull lives in the neighborhood where the gunman lived.id he's feeling it even in his home. even though he's never met the gunman before. he said his daughter, who went to the school, was at the school in that classroom where all of those children were gunned down. he said three other girls who share a dance studio with one of his daughters, they have been killed. you see, you see how this community is so connected and why someone like lee schull wants to come out and do something to feel like he's trying to help the process along. as this community tries to heal from something that feels like it's going to be impossible to heal from. don? >> yeah. a lot of people have said to me, some people who were at the school. others who just know people say at this point they feel helpless. and so you know, he wants to do something to help out so he doesn't feel helpless. i think it's a normal, natural feeling in this situation. thank you, allison. we'll get back to you later on throughout the hour. >>> and for many people, especially the families o