furesesfinascore nuets 11lakers07 3 no se locacaacone nd creek girls rsititba teais nked nintete ey 5anaf i i lee tinlaffs. niororter liiss going to coloradste universityo asketball l next fallt her focus is winnr shool ste s leaves. "we have a aot oart, we ver eveou when i har wstl to l l 3 the scororons own for thempo..d they e thlves on thei densade it t ate championiplaststea lovavqvqchrist mbo gud d and senior oa uiuiuill be e in pla skbat montana e ..but issiast years loss ttivate h.. os thelp lead thteamthfit stat tie. "no ninwan to enthei seonn a sspey i can a stchsh." chshipndre wplayyy pblo eastn friday at t 6 pmt sand c higschool. 3 3 ststth us.....0efha fil 10 pm fost... next