lee for president of the united states. had he been elected, he could not serve. his amnesty had never been granted. he was not an american citizen. , henry ward beecher openly called him a friend. in five years, that bankrupt washington college became a model in our education. -- 1870,died in 8170 hundreds of expressions of sympathy came in from all states, including the new state of alaska, where a newspaper reporter wrote a glowing eulogy. lee would protest strongly against any monument to his memory, which in my thinking is a major region -- reason he deserves them. there was once a comment that men make history, not the other way around. progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. statues exist. the most moving, of course, is that of lee asleep in the field at the chapel at washington and lee. efforts are underway to take it out. another outstanding likeness of lee is in statuary hall in the u.s. capitol. recently, one of averaging a senators came up with the bizarre idea that the lee statue in the capitol be replaced with a likeness of pocahontas, who was here before the virgin