. >> lynn leeper: yes. >> stahl: ...to iran. >> leeper: by accident, certainly. >> stahl: lynn leepers the c.e.o. of a.z. technology, which makes aerospace testing equipment. she sold kakavand this spectro- reflectometer, a device with various uses, including, the government says, enhancing the capability of long-range missiles. she says kakavand's trading company lied to her in their emails. >> leeper: we asked, you know, who the end user was, which is one of the questions on the... >> stahl: the end user? >> leeper: right. >> stahl: yeah. oh, did they tell... >> leeper: where is it going? >> stahl: did they tell you it was going to iran? >> leeper: they said it was going to malaysian telecom. >> stahl: did that make any sense? >> leeper: yeah. actually, it's a reasonable request. >> stahl: so she sold it for $95,000, and off it went to kuala lumpur. we know, actually, from the indictment of mr. kakavand that he had arranged for your product to be flown via iran air right into tehran. do you know even now who the actual recipient of it was? >> leeper: in the indictments, there were t