it to 111 becse evything is one plus i codn't afford the difference in the color separation, so 1 lefrnit's a good list and it would byour list -- 50% of at i chose wou be yr absote list. >> crlie: what why do you say th? >> these thin, because of e geniuses w made it,have embeddedn them such a power, such therapeutic forces, these are curg things. these help y get through the life, righ >>harlie: that's what they've done forou? >> yeah, se. i have to see them i've got to go back and p visits to these things. if i don'to and see saint teresan rome, it hasn't been rome i like to see -- >> charlie: yocan't go toome wiout being there? >> no. i've got t see th. >> crlie: how often do you go to the metropolitan museum of art? ur former place -- >> not a heck of a lot. i go when there is a show i haven't seen athing of. >> charlie: how many of ese are there? >> qte a few. >> charlie: why n't you go back and see em. >> i do. i go to thecloifters and see that but it's me fun to go to -- i go to the cloisters and see that but it'sore fun to go to europe, to go to vienna. >> charlie: you believth