could it have been this legionnaires' disease? and who besides us are trying to get answers on this, and is the va still refusing to talk to you? >> reporter: yeah, they will not come out. as you saw in that piece, they will not talk to us at all. they referred us to the washington pr division, sent us right back to pittsburgh. it's been a mess. but the centers for disease control and prevention, they did send a team there in november to investigate this. we're told that the investigation, the results from the cdc will go to the va in coming weeks. we're not sure if that's going to be released to the public. >> and i still can't understand why the va did nothing when they knew they had a problem. >> reporter: actually, anderson, we found out that about six months ago, the va did bring in a consultant who made recommendations on how to fix the water, but the va apparently did not tell that consultant that they had legionnaires cases at the hospital. if they had told the consultants that, there would have been different recommendati