chalk and flowers mark the spot where death sobered legitamecy. by mid-afternoon the governor called out the national guard. >> the situation is so tense that 1,500 national guards men had been assigned to patrol the area with 5,000 more in reserve. >> i have argued the national guard of california to move into san francisco strike area to safeguard life. to protect state property and to preserve. >> with the city virtually in the grip of law, men women and children are at stake. >> the battle found moved on to a new level. troops were armed with bayonets and machine guns. almost immediately control of the waterfront shifted to the military. but that didn't end it. five days later the city of san francisco was witnessed to another spectacle. the funeral procession of the two men gunned down on bloody thursday. thousands of grim faced men marched peacefully down market street. the moment marked a turning point in support for the longshoreman and the maritime workers. a general strike was organized calling for an end to the violence in the waterfron