days when she visited, he obviously rather liked her because he leant out of the window and said, "leicesterre doing rather well in the cricket this season, aren't they?" but they hadn't been introduced, so she didn't follow up the conversation, 'cause it wasn't done. but a few days later, on the beach, she did send the child over to see what he was painting. and he said, "well, if they want to know what i'm painting, they can come and see for themselves, and ask me." and then, at the end of the fortnight, she went home. and her father said, "well, how did your holiday go? you're more cheered up," and so on. and she said, "well, i've got engaged." and he said, "engaged? who to?" and she said, "well, an artist." and he was quite shocked. "an artist? tell me about him." she said, "well, he's 56." and she was 26 at the time. so he said, "well, you can just get unengaged." you know, it would be really frowned upon to marry a quite elderly artist. yes, absolutely. well, certainly a large age gap, and an artist who perhaps wasn't making a great deal of money. no. very, very interesting. i-i love t