. >> in court documents, sean and leigh anne tuohy, who took an oar during high school, claim or triedo extort them years after the movie's release, threatening to defame them if he wasn't paid millions. in one text message, he allegedly wrote, i was robbed of 50 million plus 10 million is my final offer. the couple claim or threatened to expose them as, quote, fakes and thieves. and after they refuse to pay, they say he upped his demand to $15 million. we're not going to be strong on. >> we haven't done anything. we're not going to be extorted. >> in a petition filed this summer or alleges sean and leigh anne tuohy tricked him into signing what he thought were adoption papers, saying the adoption never happened and that those documents were really for a conservatorship or claiming the tuohys only saw him as a, quote, gullible young man whose athletic talent could be exploited for their own benefit. he accused the couple of using the concert mentorship to get rich, saying he wasn't paid his fair share. from the blind side. success at the box office. but in new court documents, the tuoh