joining us right now is tom lee is the funder of fund extra lobe advisers and leigh gallagher from "fortune" magazine. we thank you both for being here. it has been scary watching what happened with oil prices. normally you would think yay yay, go oil prices. but this time is dragging stocks down with it. what's happening here? >> i think that investors have been nervous about slowing economic growth. china and europe have been weak and oil is a signal of a recession. i think investors have been trying to figure out how much is supply issue and how much is demand. in the meantime investors have been wanting to get out of anything related to oil. >> you mentioned that this is how much of it is supply, how much of it is demand. we know it's a little bit of both. what's your best guess to how you break this down? >> i suspect that dollar strength and market positioning is playing a bigger role in the weakness of oil than we suspect. we've had a really sharp decline, i mean we're talking 40% in just a few months. >> how do you look at this? good news for the consumer, bad news for the market? h