. -- leighton's industries. -- latent industries. >> the big problem that you have is that someone comes to you and says my beachfront house was damaged. i lost my job, but i got it back. it is six months of lost wages. i want to recover. five years later, he comes down with a disease that is directly related to is having an held -- and hailed whatever key in hailed and a few years later, he came down with the disease directly. willie before closed for sicknesses that he cannot possibly -- will he be foreclosed for sicknesses that he cannot possibly have diagnosed initially? is he going to be foreclosed from seeking recovery from that if he already got a recovery for property injury or lost wages? if so, why? >> right now, he would be. in other words, right now, i would say -- is a tough call. you are giving me a hypothetical which i have not thought of. if someone receives a check for the damage to their property. right now, as a condition of taking that checked, that individual would release the facility, released a bp from any or all feature injuries. >> that is one point, as you prop