we have to ensure that we support women like leila salazar lopez like i told the salami like the many women of the seller yahoo and though a set up separate people who are rising up and demonstrated what it means to be true leaders in the face of adversity. well the first traveled to the amazon in nineteen ninety five as a student intern and as you continue to move forward she met so many people that taught her so much about what it means to be in the region. and what it means to stand up to protect the rights of those communities today she will share that story and journey. with you join me in welcoming layla salad local. good morning everyone. thank you ariel. she already made me cry and for those of you who know me i will probably cry. i thank you bye nears thank you so much for holding the space for all of us. during this very difficult and challenging but inspiring time here on mother earth. i first want to acknowledge the coastal me walk. and all the california native peoples whose land we are on. i want to acknowledge our ancestors all of our ancestors. my yaqui an aspect ances