it was once considered a fake but with blood flow experiments in university in leipzig, germany, we provedt is real. you can control your dream while you are dreaming and prove it using mri flows. how many people here, just by the way, ever had an episode of lucid dreaming where you knew you were dreaming while you were dreaming? raise your hand? hundreds of people have done it. you can train yourself on internet. there are ways to train yourself to become a lucid dreamer and it is true. these are pictures, pictures of an elephant, pictures of a human. then on the right is the computer reconstruction of what you're looking at. and, the big one, is mental illness. why is president barack obama, why is the european union, dumping a billion dollars into the brain initiative? to solve one of our most ancient diseases, mental illness. millions of americans at some point in their life will suffer some episode of depression, mental illness, anxiety. what is mental illness? well, for example, schizophrenia is when you hear voices. that is called madness, when you hear voices. however when you put