support for the project came partly from germany, from leipzig zoo.oist and cool in here, just how the frogs like it. darwin's frog comes in brown, yellow and green variations. some seem to change colour during their lifetimes. it's not yet clear why. the species' main features are known, but other than that there has been relatively little research. carlos barrientos donoso: one of its main characteristics is its shape. you see here its triangular head with its protruding nose, which is really just a fold in the skin. the actual nose is at its base. it has very long, thin limbs and its coloring and markings look like fallen leaves. >> the vet's happy with the way these frogs are developing under his care. some of the males and females share a terrarium. the researchers' strategy is working well. just a few weeks ago, new babies hatched. strangely, the offspring of this species are carried by the father. the male swallows the fertilized eggs and retains the tadpoles in his enlarged vocal pouch while they develop. carlos barrientos donoso: here they're