of gis in civilian clothes to try to do the same thing that leitner had done. lo and behold they were stopped. we walked them through as squads of soldiers with the bayonets were drawn. this went on for several days. about the third day clay brought up a group of tanks, a squad of tanks, platoon, i don't know about ten tanks. which was about one-third about all we had in west berlin. he brought them up not to the checkpoint, but to one of the many empty lots around there. a soviet officer walked over to the line which they could do. they were authorized to come into west berlin. he looked around and he said, we have tanks, too, which was not exactly a mystery to us. and lo and behold within 24 hours, there was a group of soviet tanks that appeared on an empty lot in east berlin. their markings had been rubbed down and covered so they could have been east german. but journalists and others went up to the tanks and heard the crew speaking russian. we knew they were russian. clay was delighted. he said this is exactly what i told kennedy i wanted to have. i wanted