it's come down sharply, the likes of kansas leitner and mad and strong also brought it down about texting and driving? the real answer is we don't know yet. we have some very decent estimates about the amount of crashes and the amount of baths calls by phone use by drivers. and just let me pause and say, this has been like an eight minute seconds, and say shall i tell you why it's complicated? so the estimates like from the national safety council would put at about, if memory serves, about 125 million of 5.6 precious, million crashes, india is going to phone use. but those are estimates. the reason we don't know is because it's very hard to track for police agencies. it's hard to get the information. people lie, and we just started trying to collect the data. so the estimates are based largely on how much we know people are using phones and how many crashes there are. just to give one example of how we know that the official numbers are so far off, there's a number from about 2011, which is the latest data we have, of death going to phone use. and tennessee remarks 93 ca