other philanthropic ventures that we're currently working on include additional fundraising for camp lejure. looking for someone to endowing a park and a mission rec center. we are working on a fundraiser in conjunction with hardly strictly blue grass. we are also looking for endowed support for our community gardens and for dog play areas. as well as support for the golden gate park tennis complex. while this presentation is primarily about revenue, as we're talking about good news in terms of revenue, i also thought that it would be useful to take a minute to highlight a couple of really great things that are going on in our expenditure budget. we had a couple of key successes we wanted to highlight. the first is we have been working very hard collectively as a staff to reduce our overtime expenditures. and i think this slide demonstrates we've been very successful in doing that. over the last two years, alone, we've saved $430,000 in overtime expenditures. and between fiscal year 2005-2006 and the current fiscal year, we've saved over $1 million. we're also working very hard to reduce ou