but senator leland yee is here to welcome you. [applause] and a man who went to bed on saturday night, a cop with a badge and who woke up on sunday morning a new d.a., george gason. [applause] city attorney twice elected in san francisco, and usually without opposition, dennis herrera. [applause] a member of the board of education and from your administration, mr. newsom, hydra mendoza. [applause] the assessor for the city and county of san francisco, phil teng. the treasurer of the city and county of san francisco, jose cisneros. [applause] the public defender and the man that first whispered to george, you should be the d.a., jeff hadachi. one of the judges with whom we have worked for years, lilian singh. [applause] and of course the woman who was your lifeline from here to hong kong when you were trying to escape this awesome responsibility, rose pack. [applause] fire chief of the city and county of san francisco, joanne hayes white. and a man whose work as an architect in three or four administrations, a man that i got from t