is thaon there leme see. me on up it'sot cominup. (chatting) i want to stt f thisresentatn by firstivg you so- ask yoto take me seeds ofof this rn rightere. what youe holdinhere is not st corn,ut it's fe. this ithe roadp th we're gna follo and th particur map righhere called pi prophy rock. th is the rld that weurrent live in d you'll bunch o pele goinghis way up thipath rht here,nd you can e where ends. and at this telling us, on a real short brief, is that a lot of us are gonna move away from our traditional value d our tritional stem. and u'll seeown here there's is old gentlen with h plantin ick and s plant, d his plts throu here, and thisine contins too on. and so what this is telling us down here is that if we if we believe in our traditional practice and pass it on to the next generation, we'll be able to continue on into the next world. the main reason why we're having all these barriers is that indians have the right to occupancy, buthey do t have t titlto theirwn land. people d't know th, but weon't. we're ustees othe feder