fulfilling the legal requirements under the sunshine ordinance and legal lemgs lation. in the last six months, the commission has received and filled 32 public records requests, ten of those since we saw you last, so about 30% of them in the last two months. that means, on average, we get more than a request every week. occasionally, in responding to that request, the answer is that we have no records that would respond to the questions that a requester has put to us, but in other instances, we have an overwhelming number of records that would respond to the questions of a requester. so the scope of response varies from zero records to upwards of 10,000. and you'll see notes that it takes, on average, about 12 staff hours every week to fulfill those requests. staff have produced to the public in the last six months roughly 20,000 pages of records related to the business of the ethics commission, and staff are currently collecting and reviewing an additional 10,000 for production in the coming weeks. i would add, lastly, that the person who currently serves as the commis