i have to admit, when i walked into lemuria a few months ago, john, the owner, handed me the book and he said, buy this now. and he flipped it open and he showed me the last couple of pages that luckey had wrote and just kind of paraphrase the message he left for us. and it made me sit up a little bit straighter and make me want to be a little bit better american. he's frustrated with us. he's frustrated with what we're doing. he feels like he and his he and his squadron mates put it all on the line and he's like, no, not see us. fumbled the ball a few and i thought it was important at the end of the book to have him give us the afterword. so when you read the book, it's all me until the end. and then there's an afterword that like you wrote, and then on the audio book, he actually voices because they wouldn't let him read the book he wanted to read the whole thing. and i will say this, if you do get the audio book, you have a really nice interview with him and it also so it's really well done as well. james like i said, i met you i guess target tokyo, i interviewed you on the radio a