quite frankly, is quite easy, and my heroes--to answer your question--are the editors--ben bradlee, len downie. they're the ones who set the standards. the publisher katharine graham, her son don graham, and now her granddaughter katharine weymouth. they say, you know, "let's get the story," and whenever there's trouble--it's very interesting--they surround you, and they support you, and they say, "keep doing it." they never say--never heard anyone say, "oh, don't do that. it's too sensitive," or, "you're gonna get us in trouble." in fact, we have a saying at the "washington post," which is, "all good work is done in defiance of management." >> [laughter] >> and that doesn't mean break the law or the rules. it means be down there scrambling, looking for trouble, and looking for what really goes on, and though sometimes management is not happy to hear that things are being done in defiance of them, in fact, they love it in the end. >> my last question, which is on a totally different plane, which i cannot let you leave without asking, with all these accomplishments in your career, to be played