there are two lawyers, len holt and howard jr.who became allies of the student movement during the 1960s and my book spends many many chapters detailing the synergies between these lawyers in the student movement over the course of the 1960s. what i first want to do though is give you a little background on the student movement itself, which initially burst onto the national scene in 1960 in greensboro, where blacks, college students requests really launched a revolution in southern race relations. the movement quickly spread, including two atlanta in march of 1960 and there we see some students who were engaged in one of these demonstrations. the students in atlanta, like all over this country, engaged in a year-long effort to desegregate public accommodations. now, for my purposes this afternoon i want to emphasize two points about the student movement. they are first. of the students turn to direct action partly out of frustration with the civil rights lawyers and was civil rights litigation, the case of civil rights litigation