it was the adults and people like been a horn and or 3- average -- lena horne and dorthy dandridge.atic shift between all of our stars and artists used to come on stage and the way so many artists come onstage today. it is like the audience -- they had a respect for the audience and they gave them the best in terms of how they look and sound. some change clothes 12 times but cannot salic. -- sing. fashion show.for >> a harmony was the thing. the more that you could harmonize, that was it. mrs. powell at motown, they showed us how. they give us all of their knowledge. we knew how to perform, we knew how to dress, and the singing was very important. we were into the singing, not to watch the money. there was hardly any money for that old. tavis: speaking of money. berry gordy turned down and the first record produced zero hits. >> we had about seven and we were called flops. we were called the no-hit supremes. but after seven records we had that first number one record which was "where did our love go" and we had a couple more which was a total of 12. i remember when berry said we put