and his next show was jamaica with lena horne, with an all- black cast. equality, and that is that finian's rainbow in 1947 was the first show on broadway where the chorus line consisted of blacks and whites who danced with each other, and the chorus was an integrated affair. >> what happened to him during the mccarthy era? >> well, he could not work on any major film that they wanted him to work on from the major studios in hollywood. the setup was that roy brewer, who was the head of the iatse union - i'm sorry to say that -- was the one who -- >> what do you mean? >> well, i mean this is a stagehands' union. i'd like to say good things about unions, but they get bureaucratized, and they go right-wing, you know? they get bad. this was a bad leader, and he terrorized all of the jewish moguls who were being accused of communism by the house un- american activities committee, and they yielded to whatever he said to them, out of fear that they would get branded as communists or that they'd boycott the film, alright? and so, when, you know, they called yip i