joined by j.p.mangalindon of "fortune," lena rau of tech crunch. $55 billion market value in government tech. that's a huge market value and very few players. >> that's right. well, the total budget for government spend is $55 billion. and there's a limited amount of players in this space because you know, for a whole host of purposes people kind of shy away from government contracts because it has a long lead cycle -- >> they're a pain in the neck. >> that's right. you said it. long lead cycle and at times they're tough to do business with. but it's been my passion and what i've done for the past 15 years and we feel we're pretty good at it. >> i named three cities but of course you're involved with more than 500. >> oh, sure. we have 500 cities. cities and counties. many states here in the u.s. we have an office in dubai and one in melbourne. and we serve those governments overseas as well. >> so explain to me what it is you do. we've seen things where people are publishing to government, the white house petition is a good example of it. you may or may not do that. to be honest with y