block 52, there's oci parcel that's block 52 as well as lenar 52, which we'll be talking about oci's block 52. this site is a little over an acre. again, before going into the site itself, i just wanted to give an overview of the phase one development programme. phase one consists of hilltop and hillside and the total entitlement and the ddas, 1,024 unit for both sites of this 405 are affordable units of the 405 and 218 will be oci funded affordable united on five designated blocks, affordable housing blocks. and this is 26 acres of park and the developer builds the necessary infrastructure to support the development, as well as the parks. so far, to date, we have completed 439 units on hilltop, 99 of which are affordable and we have under construction 66 units and some of you have been out there in block 55, and three of the 66 are affordable and we have completed 14 acres of parks and open space andle hilltop infrastructure. so this is zooming in further to the project site itself. this is the site that reflects the schematic design that you are about to see a lot of detail of. it'