fluctuations in the number of people and also whether there were corresponding fluctuations in the sound lendvel, and i foud there were fluctuations, and that only a little bit about the facility, the type of clientele, and what occurs there. the interesting thing about the technical analysis is that to a certain degree it has become a science. earlier in my career, it was not a science. it has become a more simple, and they can produce different types of recommendations, and it does not necessarily fly in all areas. i do not think the technical analysis is all about important to the issues before us. the problem is that the noise code and people's perceptions are so different. what may be a sign of vibrancy to one person is different to another person, and that is going to vary tremendously. if we were to be dealing with some of the broader policy issues, that would be one thing. the charges dealing with this particular permit, which is not only dealing with demolition but also the construction for the patio deck area. it is my opinion that given the fact that perception of sound is so differen