so the con can sent was to measure it through a contact lenes. the eye care division of that company, is going to high sense that technology, and try to make it basically an on going way of monitoring the blood sugar levels in diabetic people. so it's a huge deal. it is a massive market. 25 until people in the united states have diabeteses. 385 million people in the world. it is a huge deal. if you can give people an easier and safer way of monitoring their blood sugar. >> there are more products ton market, where people can monitor their mood sugar, basically look like pagers this is a different type of technology, obviously, and it wouldn't be nearly as cumbersome. as wear something attached to your waste, how exactly does the technology work, that eye contact lenes can be able to monitor my blood sugar. >> it is pretty unbelievable. the research comes out of the university of washington. that came to google x to get this done, had been doing early work on contact lenes sort of design, for bringing in hardware and contact leneses what they have