on lenina rykhtuetstsa adkryts partal u light kamp'yutarnaya graphics i animatsii u afisha 16 lektsiysauce less theory, more practice. 2d, 3d and artists on the visual effects of the asabist are desecrated, as i write light scores, decorated with graphic tablets instead of farb. kartsinka set fire to projects, medical battles , three dances, a russian hall, a red gooseberry and an exhibition house displaying french art. let’s break the stereotypes a little bit about the classical museum and want to tell as much as possible about digital art, and the most interesting thing about how it is gradually conquering the museum space, how it is becoming a full-fledged part of museum collections. many classical museums are already creating digital art collections. in the final will be the topic of the forum, that is, this is not just a lecture format, it will be dedicated specifically to artificial intelligence, which is now making a lot of noise, especially among artists there is a lot of fear, our task, let’s say, is to reduce this fear a little somewhere and tell how she is on her own... wal