was actually a boon and they borrowed some money from our neighbors to go to leningrad foreign language institute and we got a reply from maryland grad here if you pass your exams you'll be given accommodations at the dharma tory local government and i will say in laying grad at a place called institute of noble ladies which was later called the here famous headquarters of the communist party when the revolution started but anyway with my brother and i went there replied we we finally managed to pass the entrance exams we were given. combinations in the dormitory we began studying everything seemed to be going to go good and then right after the new year we got called out to the principal with a in in russia called the director directress lady together where they are from the titian actions you boys you 2 boys from canada will have to change your pronunciation of what because we here at our institute we teach king's english james came king james english. i said i can them. pretend i don't understand will you please pour me a cup of tea. made you be so kind as to pay for me a cup of tea. and they