yes, there some kind of scum came in made up, as from leningradka, this is probably our neighbor jeanrstand me? go well. where to? go with them. you understand everything, behave yourself? hello lizok. and her mother is not at home. she hasn't left yet. she's left. listen lizun, can you take a brazier? and then my friends will come to me in the evening, but there is nothing to fry the meat on. we do n't have a barbecue. well, not a brazier for barbecue pieces, your dad somehow fried meat on it. well , you can give it, look behind the house there. listen show where well, i'll fumble in someone else's area. you're no big deal. you take listen and grates there are, well, those with wooden handles, on which to fry. yes, you must be. see for yourself. are you all right? something you're some yes, i'm all right. you will show well, okay oh, lizok you know, i'm here on the internet with one of the men you met today arrived. leaf, and coal do you have? i don’t know what dad is doing, otherwise you can imagine it’s not the time for me to go for coal now. here, take it perfectly. the grate is h