owen good to be with tonight as just mentioned, you have some connection to the lennox library and. berkshire berkshire kid once upon a time. so this a little bit of a homecoming stop on your book tour. could you tell us a little bit about about your the first part of your story for berkshires and and this particular place, the lenox library and and why it means so much to come back here. yeah, absolutely. i grew up in monterey, which many of you know, and i left and came back in my mid-thirties when i did my masters at fordham university and for my thesis project, i examined julius rockwell, who was a lenox native, who was the republican party's first gubernatorial nominee in history in 1850s. and i did research here because his papers are here and in the process, me and the librarian amy lafave found a letter from david davis, who was a supreme court former supreme court justice, which was rather and important. he it was about the election, the tilden election. so i won't bore you guys with all of that, but it was a very special time. i spent a lot of time here in the library doin