birth, the resurrection, jesus' miracles and he sees jesus as a sort of jewish socrates, almost a lenny bruce character, is that right. >> that's right. >> you find no evidence in any of your scholarship, by the way, that jesus was a revolutionary, correct? interi find counterevidence. >> counterevidence? if yes is it he was not a revolutionary nor an insurrectionist. >> not that i can see from the documents. >> was jesus a conservative? >> i don't think so. >> well, in what sense was he unorthodox? >> well, i think that in what sense is what he saying somehow alarming or gripping or revolutionary? >> did he support the tora. >> oh, yes. >> oh, yes. so he did root himself in sources, correct? >> he was a jew. >> that's what i'm getting at, was he not basically conservative. he was -- go ahead. >> well, just it depends on which jew you ask. but it's -- you know, he's certainly within the -- a penumbra of typical jewish practice in the first century but there's something that makes him stand out and that's his belief that the kingdom of god is at hand. >> i hate to say it because this show is -